An easy and elegant meal that’s perfect for a romantic evening for two! Hanger Steak with Brandy Mushroom Sauce by Amy Love, Real Food Whole Health 2 grassfed beef hanger steaks, about 8 oz each. Unrefined sea salt and freshly ground pepper Garlic powder, organic 1 TBL. Butter (organic from grassfed cows) 1 shallot, chopped
"Fab Real Foodie Finds" Reviews
Fab {Real} Foodie Finds…US Wellness Meats; Bring the Farm to Your Door
Working with our nutritional therapy clients and spreading the real food message of sourcing QUALITY foods, there’s something we hear quite often…” I want to eat healthy real foods, but there’s no store or farm near me that has {insert real food here}” Grassfed beef, pastured chicken and pork, raw milk cheese from grassfed cows, bacon or
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Real Food Diet
Cows eat GRASS, not corn or soy??
Cows eat grass. Yes. GRASS. That is the appropriate diet for a cow. Why? They are ruminants, a type of animal with multiple stomachs, built to eat grass and process the nutrition offered in that grass, nutrition that benefits us when we eat then eat the meat of these animals. Humans are not ruminant animals,